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Denver West Futsal

Come play in Edgewater, away from the elements!


  • SportSoccer
  • PlaceIndoor

What To Bring

Indoor soccer shoes, trainers, no turf shoes. Water

What is provided

Goals, ball, bibs

Team organisation

5v5, king of the court


1. Tyler T
2. Waru
3. Sunil
profile pic
4. Ezequiel
5. Paulo
6. Bryan
profile pic
7. Alfredo
profile pic
8. Alfredo
9. Mher G

Waiting list

Currently nobody is on the waiting list!


Address: 1800n Harlan Street, Edgewater, Colorado 80214, United States

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    12/30/2024 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM (duration 120 mins)
    Sorry, this listing has been closed.